‘Baby Prep’ Survey

Have you been a parent for more than a year? Could you offer some wisdom to couples about to start their first year of parenting?

We want to develop some material for couples who are expecting their first baby – a bit like marriage prep but for the equally big (or bigger?!) adjustment to parenthood.


There would probably be four sessions, hosted by a wise and encouraging couple with older kids, for two or three couples expecting their first baby about the same time. It would cover areas like new family dynamics, navigating new patterns of sleep and rest (or lack of) together, how to get the most out of church with little ones, common worries, and more. There would be a mix of written material, videos of couples sharing their different experiences, and practical questions to work through as a couple.

Some of the things we’d like the course to do:

  • to connect couples with other expecting couples and other parents

  • to provide space to process some of the coming changes

  • to equip with some skills/expectations

  • to reassure and encourage!

While it’d be designed for Christians, we want it to be accessible and helpful for folks who aren’t Christians too – a bit like the Marriage Course.

We know there is a wealth of wisdom in the HT family! This short survey (10min) will help us gauge what will be most helpful to expecting parents. We want to get a sense for where expectations are most often off, what surprises we can help prepare people for, and to share some of the reflections of those who have navigated the first year of parenting already.

So whether you survived or thrived in the first year of parenting, whether it was a long time ago or very recent, we want your thoughts! We also want to hear from both mums and dads. Please help us equip soon-to-be parents be prepared as they can be for the road ahead!