Bible Study

We believe reading the Bible together is one of the most transformational things we can do.

Here is a collection of resources to help small groups unpack the Bible together, some developed inhouse from across the HT family, and some recommended resources from further afield.

HT Study Guides

Most of these study guides follow our Sunday sermon series - you can find past talks on Youtube here.

This study guide follows our sermon series through the book of Joshua.

Using the Lord’s Prayer, we unpack the core ingredients of a fruitful prayer life.

  • We explore the themes and images in the first few chapters of the Bible to understand God’s relationship with the world he created.

    Download here.

  • The resurrection of Jesus from the dead radically shaped the future of the world and of humanity. These six sessions unpack the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection for today.

    Download here.

  • We look again at the Holy Spirit - who he is, how he changes us and our lives, and how we can invite more of his work in our world.

    Download here.

  • Five sessions on the mystery and power of the cross.

    Download here.

  • Jesus was often surprising and even startling people around him - this series in Luke follows Jesus as he gives unexpected and even cryptic answers.

    Download here.

  • Discover the heart of Jesus’ ministry in these eight sessions in the Gospel of Matthew.

    Download the study here and supplimentary notes here.

  • The Psalms are passionate and honest, faith-filled and frank. These eight sessions help grasp us The Psalms’ language of prayer and worship to take into our lives today.

    Download here.


Bible Overview Course

This online course is an overview of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation, following some of the main themes and important strands.


Recommended Videos

The Prayer Course
Journey through the Lord's Prayer with 6 short videos and a handy 'cheat sheet' for each session, all designed to fuel discussion and deepen your prayer life and that of your Connect Group and the church.

+ Watch Series


Fruitfulness on the Frontline
Where you are now truly matters to God. We all have an everyday context that’s significant to God, full of people who matter to God. But can we see how God might have been working in and through us on our frontlines? Combining biblical teaching from Mark Greene and inspiring real-life stories, these 8 video-based sessions will help you and your group see how you can make a difference on your frontlines and support one another along the way.

+ Watch Series

The Unanswered Prayer Course
This is a 5-part follow-up series on the Prayer Course! What do we do when God doesn’t answer prayer? How do we process the suffering and disappointment we see in the world and experience ourselves?

+ Watch Series


Struggling with Judgement
A series that takes on one of the biggest issues and struggles many Christians (and non-Christians) grapple with — how can a God of love also be a God who judges? The series is a 6-part series of 15-minute films.

+ Watch Series


God at Work
This course is based on Ken Costa’s book God At Work, and aims to equip Christians to find purpose in their day-to-day work, and to live it out effectively. The course is comprised of 6 sessions, each designed to last an hour. 

+ Watch Series

A simple, practical, biblical, helpful and personal tool for disciples of Jesus who want to make disciples of Jesus.

+ Watch Series

Home Group Leader?

For recommended guides for group discussions and more resources, head to the Home Group Leaders’ page.