Who are HT Kids?

HT Kids is home for anyone aged 0-11. The vision is to see children grow deeper in their faith, closer in their friendships with each other, and help them step into all that God has in store for their lives.


HT Event Squares 21_KidsHello.png

New to HT?

If you’re a family new to HT we’d love to get in touch! Email HT Kids at kids@htcambridge.org.uk to find out the information you need to know.

What to Expect on Sundays

This Sunday HT Kids will be happening at the 9:30 AM and 3:45 PM Service, please sign up below!

During School Term-Time:
Every Sunday, HT Kids runs at the 9:30 AM service (10:30 AM outside Cambridge University term-time) and at the 3:45 PM service. On arrival parents/carers take their children to the HT Kids Welcome Desk where you’ll be greeted by the HT Kids team wearing navy blue t-shirts who will tell you everything you need to know for each age group.

Your children will be registered before joining with the whole church for a time of sung worship (including an action song!) before their groups start. You can turn up on the day and we will welcome any children who come. However, it is really helpful if you can sign up in advance. This is because we have strict safeguarding ratios of leaders to children, so when we know how many children to expect we can organise the right number of leaders for Sunday. You can sign up through the link above!

It’s HT’s priority that everyone has a safe and enjoyable time.

Before attending a group, each parent/carer is asked to complete a Permissions Form which lets the HT Kids Team know of any special needs and enables them to keep in contact with parents and carers. These forms are available on the HT Kids Welcome Desk at the back of church, or can be downloaded by clicking the button below.

Morning Groups

(9:30 / 10:30 AM)

(0-18 Months)

Blast Off & Launchpad
(Walking-3 Years)

(3-5 Years)

(School Years 1-2)

Shooting Stars
(School Years 3-4)

(School Years 5-6)

Afternoon Groups

(3:45 PM)

(0-3 Years)

Preschool to School Year 2

School Years 3-6

New Creations

If you’re a parent ​of a 0-11-year-old, why not come along to ​New Creations on Wednesday mornings?

+ Find out more

Join the Team!

The HT Kids team is recruiting.

We're looking for keen and enthusiastic people of any age who love Jesus and would be keen to volunteer with either babies, toddlers, young children, or older children. Click the button below to learn more!

Want to know more about HT Kids?

HT Kids is run by an amazing team of staff and volunteers who will be wearing navy blue HT Kids t-shirts on Sundays. Feel free to ask them any questions you may have!

Cat Meakin

Senior Children’s

Grace Brown

Children’s Pastor
(Crèche-Year 2)

Rachel Jacob

Children’s Pastor
(Years 3-6)

Ben Pymer

Children’s Ministry Assistant


Sunday sessions are run by leaders who are DBS checked and HT has a child protection policy in place. You can view HT’s safeguarding policy in the link.