We believe that prayer is a powerful and effective way for us to stay connected to God and to see His kingdom move in Cambridge and beyond.

Online Weekly
Prayer Gatherings

The Online Weekly Prayer Gathering takes place on Zoom every Wednesday night during university term-time. Members across the HT family gather to pray for our world, our country, our city, our Church, those we know who are in need and other situations.

GATHER: Prayer & Worship Nights

Twice a term, the HT family gathers together in the Main Church for a powerful night of prayer and worship, inviting God’s Kingdom to come and the Holy Spirit to move in our lives.

The next GATHER is happening on Wednesday 20 November.

Intercessory Worship

Come and join us on Wednesdays from 1-2 PM for an hour of extended worship during lunchtime. This will mostly be an unstructured time of worship, but there will also be opportunities for intercessory prayer focused on different topics each week.

Doors to the Main Church will be open from 12:45 PM, with worship starting at 1 PM. There will be tables and chairs set up on the sides of the Main Church, so feel free to bring your lunch and eat it at any time.

Echo Prayer App

Echo Prayer is a free app that will help us devote ourselves to prayer, praying fervently for all that is going on within the life of HT, for our local and global Mission partners, for our city, and for national and global events.

It also helps you keep track of your prayers, reminds you to pray throughout the day, and lets you share prayer requests with others.