The Bible Overview Course
Across five sessions, John Irvine will be taking us through an overview of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation, following some of the main themes and important strands.
Week 2 // The Kingdom Ruled
Week 1 // The Kingdom Revealed
Genesis – Joshua
Introductions. The bible is an ancient collection of many books with different types of writing but one author, one main character and one outstanding theme, the Kingdom of God = God’s people living in God’s place enjoying God’s presence. From creation and the Fall to God’s call to Abraham and the beginning of a nation.
Week 3 // The Kingdom Prophesied
Isaiah – Malachi
God’s kingdom is not like other kingdoms. All subject to God’s word. The great prophet to come – servant, Son of man and Lord. The promise of a new covenant bringing a new release of the Spirit, a new heart, a new temple and a new Jerusalem.
Week 5 // Living in the Kingdom
The Epistles, the Kingdom yet to come and Revelation
The doctrine and practice of the Holy Spirit in the new Kingdom community. Other great doctrines and practices of the church as developed in the epistles. The promise of the Kingdom to come and the new creation to enjoy for eternity.
Judges – Song of Songs
The Kingdom ruled by shepherds, judges, priests, kings, administrators and prophets.
Each compared and contrasted to the great Shepherd, judge, priest, administrator, King and prophet to come. The place of worship and wisdom in God’s kingdom.
Week 4 // The Coming of the Kingdom
The Gospels and Acts
Years of silence and then the last of the old Testament prophets - John the Baptist. The story of the King from his arrival, through his miracles and teaching to his death, resurrection and ascension. The history of the birth of the new Kingdom community.